The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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792 lines
Copyright (C) Oct 1987 by Richard Eveille,
11 Green Way, Rochedale, QLD 4123, Australia.
All rights reserved.
Version 1.0: Has been released for distribution through the
user distribution channels. As a great deal of
effort has been expended in developing this
product, it would be greatly appreciated that if
you consider this product beneficial that a
contribution of A$20 (US$15) be forwarded to the
above address.
Version 2.0: Is due for release before the end of 1987. It
contains a number of enhancements over V1.0 and
these enhancements are indicated throughout this
documentation with an '*'. A copy of this version
may be obtained by forwarding a contribution of
A$39 (US$29) to the above address.
Description: SOFTWARE MANAGER provides facilities to easily
control all your installed software. It features
a menu-control-module to select other menus or to
select programs; a menu-painter; a password-control
facility; a software-index for containing the DOS-
startup commands; and a directory-manager that
includes options to hide and/or protect directories
and files.
Requirements: IBM/PC or compatible
RAM of at least 256K
DOS 2.0 or higher
Limitations: Version V1 * V2
── ──
Menu Size 20 96 statements max
Program Index Size 32 512 entries max
Disclaimer: SOFTWARE MANAGER is provided without warranty or
guarantee of any kind. It is NOT claimed that it
will benefit anyone. If you think it is great -
beaut! If you lose anything whatsoever from it -
The SOFTWARE MANAGER shows its full capabilities when installed
on a hard-disk system, although many benefits may also be
obtained using a floppy disk system.
SOFTWARE MANAGER consists of 2 major components, namely:
1. Menu Control Module;
2. Menu Painter/Software Maintenance Utility.
This module is normally called at 'boot' time and provides
the logic to navigate through a number of menus until it
encounters a software selection. This selection is used
to access the software index where it obtains the DOS
startup-commands to start up the software.
The facilities provided by this control module are:
1) Menu/Software Selection facility;
2) Password facility.
Menu/Software Selection Facility
This facility provides:
1) selection to the user's own set of menus held in the
user's private directory;
2) selection to software held in the Software Index where
the software names and the software startup commands
are held. Large disk space savings are possible as
separate startup batch files are no longer required.
Password Facility
The Password facility provides:
1) automatic allocation to the user's own private
2) support for a user-defined password-menu to override
the default password-menu;
3) additional security for private directories,
particularly if these directories are 'hidden';
* 4) additional system security by automatic lockup of the
system after 2 attempts to enter a correct password.
This utility provides all the necessary functions to manage
the installed software and to maintain the 'menu' system.
The functions provided by this utility are:
1) Menu Painter;
2) Menu Manager;
3) Program Manager;
4) Directory Manager;
5) Utilities.
Menu Painter
The MENU PAINTER paints the menus according to the
requirements of the user. All paint commands are designed
for text mode - thus no graphics support is required.
Sub-functions allow the user to:
- paint menu by adding paint commands;
- review menu which allows the user to step through each
paint command and to optionally change or
delete these commands;
- load menu by selecting from an index of the user's
- save menu under the name provided by the user.
- clear menu which deletes all paint commands stored
in memory.
Selecting 'paint menu' from the above options allows the
following paint commands to be performed:
- SCREEN color change (ie. background color);
- LINE display (both horizontal and vertical);
- BOX display;
- CLOCK display (includes time, date, day, month and
- TEXT display (includes large text option);
- INPUT display (for entering option on menu);
- SELECTions (to select menu-name or program-name);
- UNDO last paint command.
Cursor positioning, when requested, is performed by:
arrow-keys -move 1 character position
in direction of arrow;
ctrl-left/right arrow -move 5 character positions
in direction of arrow;
home/end/pgup/pgdn -move 1 character position
in diagonal direction;
ctrl-home/end/pgup/pgdn -move to corners of screen;
F9 -move to centre of screen.
Menu Manager
The MENU MANAGER provides an index of all menus in the
assigned user directory. Functions that can be performed
against a selected menu in the index, are:
- display menu selected from menu index;
- rename menu;
- delete menu;
- copy menu to a new menu name.
Program Manager
The PROGRAM MANAGER provides an index of the software
installed on the system. New software can easily be added
by the powerful editor that is included. Functions to
support the 'Software Index' include:
- display startup commands held in index;
- rename software to a new name in index;
- move software name to a new position in index;
- add new software name to index;
- delete software name from index;
- copy startup commands to another software name
in index.
Selecting 'display' from the above allows the following
functions to be performed on the DOS startup commands:
- change line;
- move line to new position;
- add new line;
- delete line;
- copy line to another line;
* - include external file (normally a '.BAT' file).
Directory Manager
The DIRECTORY MANAGER provides an index of the
sub-directories held in the current directory.
* Navigation to other directories is possible by selecting
the desired directory name from the index.
Functions supported are:
* - select next directory;
* - drive change (may be floppy disk or hard disk);
(may include directory path name)
- rename directory to new name;
- hide directory (displays in blue);
- protect directory (first letter displays in yellow);
(note - DOS's RD command will ignore this)
- files listed from directory.
Selecting the 'files' function from the above
allows the following to be performed:
- display file (provides both char and hex displays)
* (sub-options include a find and a goto);
- rename file to new name;
- hide file (displays in blue);
- protect file (first letter displays in yellow);
- delete file.
The UTILITIES allow the user to tailor the Software Manager
to his/her needs. Utilities include:
-- USER OPTIONS : provide the facility to override the
defaults for hardware options, colors (contrast
if mono) and menu options. Providing that users
sign-on to their own directories by using their
correct passwords, users may setup their own unique
options without interfering with other users.
-- LIBRARY ASSIGNMENTS : normally only used during the
initial install for specifying the parameters for
'Software Manager', such as the library names and
the password-file name. The 'Library Assignments'
file is automatically stored in the root directory.
* The 'Library Assignments' file is encrypted to
provide added security. This means that the
directories used by 'Software Manager' need not
be openly available in such members as the
'autoexec.bat' file.
-- PASSWORD MAINTENANCE : provides the facility to add
new passwords and to change or delete existing
* The Password file is encrypted which provides added
* Each password has a number of attributes, such as
access authority, to provide a highly flexible
password control. Thus, users can be prevented from
adding, changing or deleting other passwords.
Password attributes include:
- user directory name;
- user main menu name;
* - authority access over other passwords;
* - authority access over other directories;
* - authority access over the program index.
* -- RESTORE PROGRAM INDEX : a recovery utility to recover
the previous version of the program-index. This
facility was seen to be highly desirable as the loss
of the Program Index could involve a great deal of
work for it to be recovered. However, only one level
is available for recovery.
Inbuilt Editor
The inbuilt editor is called whenever any text is to be
entered. Its advanced features include:
- cursor movement left or right using the left and
right arrow keys;
- cursor movement to start or end of text-string using
the Ctl-left and Ctl-right arrow keys;
- support of the insert and delete keys;
- destructive backspace key which can be used anywhere
within the text-string;
- repeat previous character (F9) which is particularly
useful when repeating special characters entered as
a number (such as the special box characters);
- optional beep when a key that is unable to function is
pressed (such as the right-arrow key when the cursor
is already at the end of the text);
- an erase to end-of-text by using the Tab key (with the
added feature that the text can be restored with the
same key providing no other keys have been pressed
since using this key).
Large Characters
The use of large characters can be of great benefit in
highlighting as well as making a more attractive menu.
Therefore, the MENU PAINTER provides large character
support in the following sizes, namely;
- 8 characters high x 8 characters wide;
- 8 characters high x 4 characters wide;
* - 4 characters high x 8 characters wide.
All sizes allow for both foreground and background
colors to be changed. The largest size (8x8) also
allows for the large characters to be displayed with
various characters. This size can also display
striking effects through shadowing (produced by
displaying the same character in different colors
over each other but displaced by one position).
Directory/File Attributes
Each DOS-directory/file entry allows for a number of
attributes to be assigned. Two of these attributes,
namely, the 'hidden' and the 'protect' attributes, are
seen as being quite beneficial. The 'hidden' attribute
suppresses the display of the directory or file when
using such commands as DOS's 'DIR' command. The 'protect'
attribute will not allow a file to be deleted with the
normal DOS's 'DEL' command (however, empty directories
are not protected from DOS's RD command).
To make these useful attributes available to the user,
Software Manager provides an easy to use command selection.
Color displays are used to full effect to show the
attributes of directories or files. Using a color screen
and the default colors provided by 'Software Manager', the
names of directories or files will appear as follows:
- green for both hide and protect attributes off;
- blue for hide attribute on;
- yellow on first letter only if protect attribute on.
On a monochrome screen, the names of directories or files
will be highlighted if the attributes are on.
* Encryption
Encryption is a method of hiding text by translating it
to other characters. This renders the text unintelligeable
to anyone gaining unauthorised access. This is highly
desirable on any files where the information could be
mis-used. Files kept in the 'root' directory are easily
accessable to 'prying eyes'. Thus, files which are easily
accessed and contain data of a restricted nature should be
encrypted to safe-guard them.
* SOFTWARE MANAGER automatically encrypts from its own files
those files which are considered to be in a restricted-access
category. Those files are:
- the library assignment file held in the 'root'
- the password file.
* The encryption algorithm is based on a number of factors to
ensure that decoding is very difficult. However, it should
be noted that the DOS operating system does not support a
high degree of system security, therefore, encryption is
just like locking the front door!
Function Map for Software Manager Utility (MNUSUP)
(Esc-key will cancel partially completed commands)
Menu Painter =============================
Paint Menu
- Text
- . Normal Size
- . 8x8 times
- . 8x4 times
* - . 4x8 times
- Input
- Line
- . Type
- Box
- . Type
- Clock
- . Time
- . Date
- . Day
- . Month
- . Year
- Screen
- Select
- . Menu
- . Program
- Undo
Review Menu
- Display
- Change
- Delete
Load Menu
Save Menu
Clear Menu
Menu Manager ==========(menu index)=======
Program Manager =======(program index)====
Display (DOS commands)
- Change
- Move
- Add
- Delete
- Copy
* - Include (Batch File)
Directory Manager =====(directory index)==
* Select Directory
* Drive/Directory Selection
Files (file index)
- Display
* - . Goto
* - . Find
- Rename
- Hide
- Protect
- Delete
Utilities ================================
User Options
- Hardware Options
- Color Options
- Program Options
Password Maintenance (refer note 2 below)
- Add
- Change
- Delete
Library Assignments
- Change
* Restore Program Index
* available from V2.0
1) To execute, type: MNUSUP
preceed with a Path command if in
another library
2) Password Maintenance functions are:
Add New User Password
* must have appropriate authority;
enter new password which will display
defaults values;
then continue as for 'Change Password'.
Change Password Details
enter password to be changed;
change appropriate value and <enter>;
if value to be cleared then use tab-key.
if value not to change then just <enter>;
Delete Existing Password
* must have appropriate authority;
cannot delete password that is in use;
enter password to be deleted;
use tab-key to clear 'new password' value
which will respond will a 'confirm
delete' message.
The distribution floppy disk is set up as a mini-system for
SOFTWARE MANAGER and may be started by typing MENU against
the drive-prompt containing this disk. However, a temporary
file will be written to the floppy, so it is recommended to
copy it first before doing this.
The steps involved to install SOFTWARE MANAGER are described
first and then a sample install follows.
Description of the steps to install SOFTWARE MANAGER
1) Create a directory to hold the 'Software Manager'
modules unless the modules are to be copied into an
existing directory.
2) Copy all the modules from \MNU_V1 on the distribution
disk to this library.
The distribution disk contains the following files:
- MNU.DOC : Documentation about 'Software Manager'
from which this document was printed.
- MNULGN.COM : Control module that is executed to
start-up the menu-selection.
- MNUMNU.OVL : Overlay Module called by 'MnuLgn.Com'
to process passwords and to control
the menu-selection.
- MNUSUP.COM : Utility Module to provide menu
painting and maintenance for the
'Software Manager'.
- MNUSUP.000 : Overlay Module called by 'MnuSup.Com'.
- MNUPWD.PRM : Password file which contains one
password which has full authority.
The password is 'MNU' which may be
changed at anytime by the user.
* Always ensure that one password
has full authority as a lower
authority password cannot create a
higher authority password.
- MNUCHR.PRM : Character patterns for generating
large characters when the 'external
pattern' option is set.
- MNULIB1.PRM: Sample 'Library Assignment' member
MNULIB2.PRM: to provide a working system on the
distribution floppy (numbers refer to
the version of 'Software Manager').
- MNUPRG.PRM : Sample 'Program Index' member to provide a
working system on the distribution floppy.
- MNU0.MNU : Sample 'Menu' members to provide a working
MNUU.MNU system on the distribution floppy.
3) Copy the module 'MNULGN.COM' to the 'root' directory
so that the directory name does not have to be held in
'autoexec.bat'. This step is optional.
4) Execute the 'Software Manager' utility to specify the
directories for use by Software Manager.
The steps for this are:
MNU (password as provided)
Utilities (select with box-cursor)
Library assignments (select with box-cursor)
(change names to those for your system)
(names should be full path name - ie. drive\dir\name)
Y (changes correct)
Y (save library assignments)
5) Execute the 'Software Manager' utility to specify the
passwords for the system. If the password MNU (which
is already specified) is sufficient, then only the
password defaults (such as user-library name) need be
changed. The steps for this are:
Start-up MNUSUP if not still in it from 4).
Utilities (select with box-cursor)
-> Password Maintenance (select with box-cursor)
(enter to view details or enter new password)
(change defaults as required)
Y (changes correct)
Y (save password details)
(repeat from -> to add more passwords)
6) Add the installed-program-names to the program-index
together with the DOS start-up commands. Only those
programs to be referenced by the 'menu' system need be
added to the index. The steps for this are:
Start-up MNUSUP if not still in it).
Program Manager (select with box-cursor)
-> Add (select with cursor)
(add program name)
Display (select with cursor)
(select program name)
Add (select with cursor)
(add DOS start-up commands)
Exit (select with cursor)
Y (changes correct)
(Repeat from -> to add more programs)
Exit -and save (select with cursor)
Y (save program index)
7) Create user menus (2 menus are supplied) as follows:
PATH \library-name-containing-MNUSUP.COM
MNUSUP (with the user password to
select the user directory)
Menu Painter (select with box-cursor)
-> Paint Menu (select with box-cursor)
(paint menu using commands provided)
(note that the 'select' option must be used to
provide the menu/program choices to the menu)
(exit when menu completed)
Review Menu (optional) (select with box-cursor)
(allows cleanup by stepping through each command)
Save Menu (select with box-cursor)
(main menu name must match name as specified with
(the user password - for MNU pswd, name is MNU0)
(Repeat from -> to add more menus)
Exit (select with box-cursor)
8) Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT to include (after all other
statements) the commands necessary to start-up the
menu selection. These commands are:
MNULGN (preceed with library name if not merged to
the 'root directory' - as in step 3)
MNUTMP (may be preceeded with drive and/or library,
but this will have to be reflected in step 4)
(the drive may be a memory-disk if one exists)
9) A '.BAT' member may be created to startup the menu system
as needed by typing in the '.BAT'-member name.
This may be performed as follows:
CD\ (change to root directory)
COPY CON MENU.BAT (use COPY to setup member)
MNULGN (preceed with drive/directory)
MNUTMP (preceed with drive/directory)
^Z (ctrl-Z to finish)
Then to startup the menu system, type:
The 'Software Manager' utility may be started by:
PATH drive\directory-name-containing-MNUSUP.COM
Sample Install of SOFTWARE MANAGER
To install Software Manager on b: drive -
(Numbers on LHS refer to Step Numbers above)
.> b:
1) B> md\swmgr ('swmgr' to be directory name)
B> cd\swmgr
2) B> copy a:\mnu_v1\*.* (distribution disk in a:)
3) B> copy mnulgn.com \ (copy 'mnulgn' to root dir)
4) B> mnusup (startup utility)
<enter> when '\mnulib not found' message displayed
mnu (password)
Utilities (select with box-cursor)
Library Assignments (select with box-cursor)
change names as reqd (names in drive/dir/name format)
Y (changes correct)
Y (save changes)
5) Password Maintenance (select with box-cursor)
<enter> (to display pswd details)
b:\swmgr (user library name changed)
mnu0 (menu-name does not incl drive/dir)
Y (changes correct)
Y (save changes)
Exit (select with box-cursor)
6) Program Manager (select with box-cursor)
display (and select program MNUSUP)
change (and select line with directory)
\swmgr\mnusup (and change line)
exit (select with cursor)
Y (changes correct)
Exit (select with box-cursor)
Y (save changes)
Exit (select with box-cursor)
Software Manager ended
7) To add user menus -
B> path \swmgr
B> mnusup (start-up utility)
mnu (user-password)
Menu Painter (select with box-cursor)
Paint Menu (select with box-cursor)
paint menus using commands provided
Exit (select with cursor)
Exit (select with box-cursor)
Y (save menu)
Software Manager ended
8) Modify autoexec.bat as described in step 8.
9) To check install was successful -
Setup MENU.BAT as described in Step 9 and type:
MENU (should display the user menus)
10) Software Manager now installed